Bone Marrow Report Tool 0.8.2021.02.28 Epic Convert CBC outside report WBC K/µL RBC MIL/µL Hgb g/dL Hct % MCV fL RDW % Plt K/µL ANC K/µL ALC K/µL AMC K/µL Neu % Lym % Mon % Eos % Bas % Imm Gra % Suggest Load prior Scroll to bottom CBC Peripheral smear Peripheral flow Marrow differential Aspirate Core biopsy Marrow flow Blood + Flow Aspirate + Flow Clear all Complete Blood + Aspirate + Core Aspirate + Core Peripheral Blood Smear RBC are decreased adequate increased and are hypochromic normochromic and microcytic normocytic macrocytic Hemoglobin is decreased adequate increased Anisocytosis is not prominent mild moderate marked Poikilocytosis is not prominent mild moderate marked Polychromasia is not increased increased increased w/ circulating nRBCs WBC count and diff appear as on the CBC Leukocytes are decreased adequate increased and normal in appearance Platelets are decreased adequate increased and normal in appearance Marrow Diff Cell Count Blasts % Promyelocytes % Myelocytes % Metamyelocytes % Segs/Bands % Erythroids % Lymphs % Plasma % Monos % Eos % Basos % Counter Aspirate Smears sparse paucicellular spicules adequate cellular spicules Erythroid cells are proportionately decreased proportionately normal proportionately increased with full maturation L-shifted maturation Myeloid cells are proportionately decreased proportionately normal proportionately increased with full maturation L-shifted maturation Megas are proportionately decreased proportionately normal proportionately increased and normal in appearance Core Biopsy sections are hypocellular normocellular hypercellular insufficient to evaluate cellularity for age ( %) Erythroid cells are decreased normal increased with full maturation L-shifted maturation Myeloid cells are decreased normal increased with full maturation L-shifted maturation M:E ratio is : Megas are decreased normal increased and normal in appearance Bone is normal fragmented thinned sclerotic Ancillary Studies PNH Comment Signature